Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Supreme court upholds Partial Birth Abortion ban...

So I read this link here, and, to my surprise, the Supreme Court, all medical experts, I'm sure(sarcasm), decided in their infinite wisdom that banning a needed medical procedure is Constitutional. Now, I could go on and on about how WRONG this decision is, the first thing that comes to mind is that the law in question ISN'T needed. All "Partial Birth Abortions" are done to save the life or health of the Mother. Apparently, Republicans value the lives of fetuses more than Women. Not to mention that Partial Birth Abortion is a POLITICAL term, not a medical term, for the procedures used.

To be frank about it, the Supreme court, at least 5 of the justices, are dumbasses. In my personal opinion, there should be NO laws outside of safety or compensatory laws, regarding ANY medical procedure. All this moralistic claptrap is just a thinly veiled attempt to control women's lives, and ultimately, the lives off everybody.

The truth is that this ban was and is an additional risk to women who end up having the most tragic things happen in their lives, their fetuses end up being non-viable, and/or pose a risk to the mother that she cannot carry to term. There has NEVER been one case of a perfectly normal and viable fetus being aborted in the 3rd term when the mother is capable of safely delivering it. This simply doesn't happen.

However, what the law does say is that, if a fetus doesn't have a brain, but is on the mother's life support, so to speak, she is FORCED to carry it to term, regardless of the risks to herself. The head of the fetus can fill with fluid and expand, increasing the risk of the mother developing severe problems during labor, and she could end up, in BEST case scenarios, being handicapped for life, not to mention emotionally damaged.

This type of shit REALLY pisses me off, because laws like this address problems that DON'T EXIST AT ALL!!!!! Oh, and I don't care for the "graphic" depictions of the various procedures, that should not be a factor for anyone, open heart surgery is nasty itself, most people would throw up just because of the smell and the amount of blood involved, but guess what, its saves a life.

The fact of the matter is that most pregnancies fail, the key here is that most fail within the first 2 months of pregnancy, its called a Miscarriage, if you are Christian, this is God's way of having an abortion. Sometimes, though, the woman's body doesn't implement this self-defense mechanism in time, and fetuses that aren't viable then continue to develop past the point where they can be miscarried. In some cases, they are still "alive" in the Terry Schavio sense, without brains, and such, other cases, they actually die and decompose within the Mother. This can be exceedingly dangerous, blood poisoning isn't unheard of in cases like this.

The point is that these women, and their doctors, should be free from bad laws like this so that they are free to make decisions that are best for their own health. For if they can't even make that decision for themselves, how can anyone call this country free?

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