Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Small changes to the blog...

This is the first, and only, post, that isn't political in some way. Anyways, I added the labels for my posts on the right, above the archives, to make it slightly easier to navigate the site. Since this isn't a current events blog, the timing of the posts themselves isn't that important. With it structured this way, I'm hoping I won't repeat myself, though I may revisit an issue or post if relevant to something I want to comment on that relates to it.

Also, I added an actual license to my blog, a Creative Commons license, the details of the license, and any questions about it, can be answered in the link on the right side of the blog. Basically the rundown is this, anyone can copy my posts as long as they don't try to sell it, make sure I'm mentioned(Solon is fine), and they can even modify the content, or add to it, though I encourage anyone who does this to link back to this blog and the post you are modifying.